Updated on 23-08-2022 by Nguyα» n HoΓ i Nam
Manage landmarks
Manage landmarks to manage the markers on the map to help manage and report whether the device passes through that marker or not.
To view Manage landmarks do the following:
- Click on Manage > Configuration > Landmarks.
1. Create landmarks
- Step 1: CLick on Create landmarks.
- Step 2:
- Name: Enter the marker name.
- Type: Select the appropriate marker type.
- Description: Describe what is so special about that marker,β¦
- Activate: Enable/disable marker enabled state.
- Step 3: Click Add to complete the operation.
2. Search
- Search by:
- Name marker.
- Type marker.
3. Edit
- Step 1: Click on Edit.
- Step 2: The dialog box appears:
Name: Enter the marker name.
Type: Select the appropriate marker type.
Description: Describe what is so special about that marker,β¦
Activate: Enable/disable marker enabled state. The status can be edited in the following ways:
- Click on > Lock / Activate to change the state of the marker.
- Step 3: Click Save Changes to complete the operation.
4. Delete
- Step 1: Click on > Delete.
- Step 2:
- Click OK: Agree to delete the marker.
- Click Cancel : Cancel the delete operation.