Updated on 17-10-2023 by LieuBV
Device Transaction
It is a transaction of adding new deivces to the Platform.
Currently there are 3 new types of additions as follows:
Type | Description |
Yearly | After selecting the Point package, it will be deducted immediately The system automactically activate after 8 hours of continuos online device |
Option | Deduct points according to the total of months corresponding to the Package The system activates immeditately after adding |
Trial | No points are deducted, the default package is Storage The system allows online trial for 8 hours continuously |
The steps to add the new device are follows:
- Go to your Business page
- Select the Device tab
- Tap the Add device
- Enter the information on the form
- Press Submit to proceed
Renew Device
It is a renewing transaction corresponding to te Point Packakge which the device is working on
The steps to add the new device are follows:
- Go to your Business page
- Select the Device tab
- Enter IMEI / Device Name / Number Plate to search for Devices to be renewed
- Check the box to select Device to renew
- Tap the Renewal
- Press Submit to proceed
Change the Service Package
It is transaction to change the Point package of device
When changing, the number of transaction points will correspond to the new Package.
The steps are as follows:
- Go to your Business page
- Select the Device tab
- Enter IMEI / Device Name / Number Plate to search for Devices to be renewed
- Check the box to select Device to change the Point package
- Click Change Service and select the changing package
- Select the package to change on the form.
- Click Submit

Change the expiration service of device
It is a transaction that allows to change the expiration service of device
When changing, the points corresponds to the packakge and the time period is from the changing time to the new due dat
The steps are as follows:
- Go to your Business page
- Select the Device tab
- Enter IMEI / Device Name / Number Plate to search for Devices to be renewed
- Check the box to select Device to change the Point package
- Press the add button and select the service repair function
- Select the package to change on the form.
- Click Submit

Refresh device
Is a transaction that allows refreshing the device, ignoring all the current configurations of device. The transaction point corresponding to the package.
The steps are as follows:
- Go to your Business page
- Select the Device tab
- Enter IMEI / Device Name / Number Plate to search for Devices to be renewed
- Check the box to select Device to change the Point package
- Click Add and select the default setting
- Select the package to change on the form.
- Click Submit